About the project

Auditoire HEP

Description of the project

The Haute École Pédagogique (HEP) of Lausanne educates students in the field of teaching, from bachelor level to continuing education. In order to offer a modern and pleasant working environment, HEP entrusted Projection Nouvelle with equipping three auditoriums.

The technologies used in these auditoriums are designed to adapt to the space, facilitate teaching, and ensure intuitive control of the audiovisual setup by the professors.

A dual projection system on a large screen, room cameras, and auditorium management elements were installed. The blinds, lighting, and microphones can be easily controlled via a touch screen, the interface of which was programmed and designed by Projection Nouvelle.

The auditoriums are equipped with AVoIP technology using AMX’s SVSI system, allowing for audio and visual interconnection between the auditoriums. In addition to these technologies, the auditoriums are equipped for video conferencing.

Projection Nouvelle also created a TV studio for internal productions by students and professors. This TV studio is used for media creation (podcasts, etc.) and as a teaching tool.