Our Project at CICG Featured in Inavate

Inavate magazine, a leading publication in the audiovisual field, highlights our achievement for the CICG.
Actualité Projection Nouvelle
Inavate magazine, a leading publication in the audiovisual field, highlights our achievement for the CICG.
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In December 2018, Projection Nouvelle began the renovation of the audiovisual facilities in 8 rooms at the Centre International de Conférences de Genève (CICG). Owned by FIPOI (the Foundation of Buildings for International Organizations), CICG hosts over 150 conferences each year for international, non-governmental, and private organizations.

CICG aimed to modernize its audiovisual equipment and facilities to accommodate conferences of up to 2200 people. Thanks to cutting-edge technology and Projection Nouvelle’s expertise, a coupling of conference rooms, ranging from two to four rooms, was achieved. Rooms A, B, C, and D are fully modular and can operate independently or be connected to create a single conference room, depending on the number of participants. These rooms are also equipped with a simultaneous interpretation system, as the majority of conferences held at CICG are international, with attendees speaking different languages. Projection Nouvelle also integrated the audiovisual systems of rooms E, F, 3, and 4 in addition to rooms A, B, C, and D.

Projection Nouvelle met the flexibility requirements imposed by the diversity of conferences organized and worked with a building over 50 years old, which sometimes made audiovisual integration complex, in a record time of four weeks for installation.

We would like to thank everyone who made this project possible, especially the audiovisual teams at CICG and FIPO, as well as Paul Milligan for this article.