About the project

Salle 18 de l'ONU

Description of the project

Projection Nouvelle carried out the audiovisual integration of a 641-seat room belonging to an International Organization. With audiovisual equipment dating back to 1973, this room required technical and technological renovation.

Respecting the original architecture of this 915m2 conference room, a reliable and high-quality audiovisual solution was devised.

Projection Nouvelle replaced the 46-year-old interpretation system with the Televic Plixus system. In total, 267 listening posts and 9 interpretation booths were fully equipped. A camera tracking system for speaker tracking, audio recording of all audio channels, and a home automation system for easy control of room usage were also installed. To complement this, a speaking time module, which allows launching a timer and displaying on the screen the speaking time allotted to participants, was specially designed for this institution.

To modernize the technologies used, signal transmission over IP using Dante and SVSI systems from AMX was implemented. A listening solution for the hearing impaired was also put in place.

Finally, custom-made locksmithing pieces were designed to allow audiovisual integration while preserving the room’s decoration.